Friday 15 July 2011

Maslow made me think..

Abraham Maslow, American professor of psychology, proposed a theory in 1943 called Maslow's hierarchy of needs for his paper A Theory of Human Motivation. Like many other theories this is based on development psychology which focuses on stages of growth in human mind.

Instead of studying mentally challenged people, Maslow studied people who excelled in their fields like Albert Einstein, Jane Addams etc. he studied the 1% of healthiest college students. He believed that "the study of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a cripple philosophy."

Now I don't study psychology, i'm just a fashion student who likes to ponder on many other things so i wont go into detail but just stick to the basics. 
According to Maslow there are 5 major stages of development, this picture will give you an idea- 

Well, the man's got a point, don't you think? I believe all these stages are present in human mind and may trigger itself in a given situation, but there is always one priority. A man who is not stable in 'physiological' matters will always give it more priority. Like i say, it's hard to put others in front of yourself with an empty stomach, even though there are some exceptionally kind people who still do. 
A man who has achieved those basic needs of food, clothing and shelter will progress in a more deeper level, seeking acceptance, self esteem and to the end self-actualization. 

Later on Victor Frankl who was a neurologist and psychiatrist added 'self-transcendence' as the last stage to this theory. That is of course the true nature of spirituality, going beyond what we see to what really is, being everything and nothing. 

Anyway, i definitely don't think this theory explains all the wonders of human mind, but it is something to think about. It's not a law that everyone lives by, but i cannot deny the fact that it makes sense. I found this very interesting and thought about sharing it here. 

But how do you explain it when some people have got more than enough of these 'basic needs' and they are still stuck in the rat race towards materialistic things that are mere illusion? If you have a roof on your head, food in your tummy, money in your wallet and the luxury to spend it as you want, isn't it enough to live happily? I guess these are the people who need help to open their heart to self actualization.
One of many way to know yourself is when you know other people. Everyone is here to serve a purpose and when they realize what it is, they stop feeling so lost. 

I like this quote by Albert Schweitzer- 
"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing i do know: the only ones among you who will really be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."

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