Tuesday 28 August 2012


Tiny frame can only hold so many colours 
Without letting it drip out of the golden gates
I wanted to be the ocean, the moon, the night
I wanted to be God’s own design
Instead they put me in cage
Teased me every time I closed my eyes
Now I am soiled with time and space
I have been told to be happy when the sun shines
But I am the daughter of the moon and the night. 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Whims Of A Shy Girl

I stood at the corner of the stairways listening to people talking about random, unimportant. I wanted to go downstairs, I was hungry. But their voices made my legs freeze. I knew if I go down I’ll have to talk to them… greet them, and do all the formalities that I absolutely hate and never understand.
If I just went downstairs and make it to the kitchen without saying a word they’ll think I am rude and uninterested. The later I was but not rude, never intentionally.

I am standing still but my brain is racing, struggling. It tells me to move my feet and go downstairs, be polite and then go to the kitchen. Could such a simple thing be a dilemma? What was I afraid of? They don’t live to judge me, they don’t care. But it’s not about the judgment. I just want to be invisible. I want more space. I feel the air is full of their energy, their thoughts.

I can’t just stand in once place, it’s already been thirty minutes. I go to my room and check my face. I look presentable, that’s encouraging. I spend some more time pacing from the edge of the stairway to my room, still listening to their voices. I can’t be a prisoner in my own house. I repeat this in my head over and over again.

Maybe I should go back to my room and wait for them to leave. Next thing I know, I am making my way down the stairs with a smile on my face.  I greet them and they greet me back. It happened so quick, almost effortlessly. I reach the kitchen and breathe out in relief

It’s over...for now. 

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Yours Truly

She loves me unconditionally that I know
She will come for me one day
From sickness she will comfort me
Or my health she will take away.

I will lay the bricks and share my blood
I will shout my name from mountain tops
And when I think I have seen enough
Her presence will show me things I have never seen
Her touch will ignite my worst fear
And her kiss will make me fall in love.

My lover don’t punish me with your abstruse moves
Send me a sign before we meet again?
And I shall being you flowers
Take you in my arms like I never let you go
Before we take off for another adventure
And you leave me again
For a moment we will embrace
Until life do us apart.

via Google images 

Saturday 4 August 2012

Touch of Fate

What happens to mysteries that never get solved?

They go back to live in closed drawers

Silently waiting for a seeker to pass by

Hoping that he could be a little more sly

Zealous and bursting with pride

Skilled in discovering the meaning of unspoked words  

But the fates of mysterious things are cruel

Long they wait to be unraveled

Only to be abandoned and forgotten.