Tuesday 3 July 2012

I am deeply concerned about nothing.

Social Networking sites are not only useful for finding your long lost friends or making new ones, in a "developing" country like India it is also a tool to bash the government.
Granted there are lot of flaws in our  system but how is moaning about it online will sort out anything?

I can only speak about Andaman. A lot of people have been posting their so called "concern" about things like internet connectivity. I understand the pain of having a slow internet, I really do. I know what it feels like when all your friends are liking and commenting on a picture and the picture won't load for you.

But in a place like Andaman where load shedding is as common as house lizards (very common), who care about internet connectivity? Forget electricity and internet, you know how long its been since I have tasted a fresh piece of fruit? People don't understand how hard it is to live in these islands.  I make it sound like it's really bad, but unlike many others in India, I got a big roof over my head and food to eat even if it's not super fresh. For that I am thankful.

I really don't like to talk about the condition here because spend more than half of the year outside India, I feel I have no right to have any opinions. I have very little information about the current affairs in these islands but I do know complaining never helps. Venting can only take a load off your chest (I do it often) but hoping it'll start a revolution is just stupid. Please remove this fake mask of concern and shut the f**k up. You are not concerned citizen of this country you are just a smartass who knows too much and does very little.

PS- I am complaining about people who complain. How very original of me. 

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