Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Everyday Miracles

I ask myself everyday, why do i play this game? Is it even worth winning when there is so much to lose?

Sometimes I like to watch people on the street, to be a witness of their existence and still be invisible. Like i am the smallest thing in the world, a fleeting moment, a curious glance, a question waiting to be answered or an answer searching for a question.

And then the big bad monster goes away because I am too small to be found, to insignificant to be around.
I don't know you and you don't know me. But somehow we are here together, if that is not a miracle, then what is?


  1. Thank you for highlighting the advantage of being too small and too insignificant!

  2. connection is a genuine miracle.

  3. thanks for your comments Nellayappan and Ed.


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