Sunday, 4 December 2011

A Cuppa Tea

It is a known fact (among my near and dear ones) that I can get very cranky. Usually when I get cranky I throw my sensibility out of the window and become a self-important bitch. Sad, but true.

That is one reason I didn't feel like blogging, why bother writing when I am unsure of my own self, battling with such mood swings that would even embarrass a bi-polar at their worst.

I admit, I have been a cranky meanie baby today. I have sent back my tea two times. I sent back the first cup of tea because I  felt it was an injustice to look over the fact that my cup is only half filled just because there are guest in the house and they deserve all the attention, then I sent it back again because the tea tasted too liquidy. So a fresh batch of tea was made.

I could still hear Sensible Self  (the one I tried to murder by throwing it out from the window) saying in a broken and faint voice that I was being stupid and all this imperfections are in my mind. Apparently it had survived the blows from my mood swings.

As I sipped the third batch of tea, it was still not perfect. It just didn't feel right. I wanted another batch. But I gulped it down anyway.

"It's not the tea, it's you", said my Sensible Self.

So I stopped at the third batch.

Also, my family has been extremely kind to me by enduring my mood swings, if I push them too much, they will eventually decide to kill me off and say it was an accident.

PS : Currently my Sensible Self is still a little wounded and is in recovery. A trace of bitchiness may remain for few days until my sensibility is up and working.


  1. i've been at war with some selves within me myself lately. but i unexpectedly found some peace last friday. here's wishing you find yours soon.

    half-filled glass i don't like either.

  2. Thank you Ed. I am glad you found a little peace among all the chaos.

  3. Love your work.
    I hope you will visit m blog and like mine.


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