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A year ago I started looking at videos from a 'swami' or a 'spiritual master' in youtube (because youtube is not just for listening to Beyonce). He seemed wise, interesting, practical and funny. In noway I consider myself to be a follower of anyone, I have reached a point where I don't need a master but I learn more from within me and around me. But let's not go to my spiritual craziness, let's talk about someone else's.
Few months later when I returned back to India, I came to know that this 'swami' was in a middle of a scandal for sexual harassment. And then more stories started coming out, that he is a fraud yada yada yada.
This is not the first 'spiritual guru' who got involved in scandals, mostly something very sexual ones. Maybe because people consider sex to be very scandalous. You know the normal Indian mentality of 'sex is a taboo', yea sure mate, you were dropped in by angels on your mother's lap. I won't go there, that's a whole another story. But if it isn't sex, then it's money or fooling people with fake tricks. The list goes on.
It's not unknown that in today's alleged 'fast-paced' world spirituality is a growing business. I understand when people make occult a business. Occult is basically astrology, tarot, witchcraft. I almost get it when people charge money for a tarot reading, because it's like a service you provide, it's not really charity . Please understand occult is a medium of spiritual connection. It's like buying a book to learn what's in it.
I read tarot cards, but I never charge for it only because it's not my occupation. I also don't do it all the time and for everyone, it can get very exhausting to keep constant connection with the guides and cosmos. So if astrologers and tarot readers ask for money and you believe in it, then it is justified, unless you are a fraud and you don't know anything about occult.
But is it right to ask people money for 'enlightenment'? What if Buddha did that? What if he went to houses saying 'give me 1 bag of rice and only then I will show you Nirvana'. I am sure enlightenment is not like buying a book, it is not a service, it is a journey. Maybe someone wise can give you peace of mind, show you different side of the world. But does it make sense to give money to someone asking them to awaken you. Remember that one Shri Shri ( multiplied by zillion ) whatever guru who used materialise gold chains out of thin air for the rich followers and ashes for the poor? If he was a master who could materialise gold chain then why not just give it all away and end poverty?
I am not against people following others. There are different stages of a soul's journey and in one point everyone is, was or will be a follower, and then a master. But are people following the right master. Can you be truly enlightened if you are in the same loop as others, a loop of give and take or as we say 'business'. An enlightened soul will never ask for anything, he/she will seek nothing, but just be. His/her goal is not to help people or give them knowledge but that's happens along the way. They don't hold wisdom, they become it.
I feel this topic has been raised by many, and this is why certain people always think anyone 'spiritual' is kidding themselves and anyone who says 'I want to help' is only trying to sound nice. There is no simple and plain goodness, just good business. That's a sad thought.