Decisions, decisions.
Welcome to adulthood.
I am probably going to look back someday and laugh that I spent 24 hours obsessing about this one thing but right now I am in a battle.
When you are in the battlefield there is no past and no future. Only now. Right now.
Right now there are decisions to be made.
Which road do I pick? What kind of person will I be if I take on this journey? Am I even ready for it? I don't want to die in vain.
Everyone is in a frenzy to achieve something.
Can I get a moment please?
And can you make it last forever?
I am wounded and I cannot fight.
Forgive me for being a coward but I am not ready to die and I am not ready to heal.
Let me bleed this time.
Let it be forever.
Welcome to adulthood.
I am probably going to look back someday and laugh that I spent 24 hours obsessing about this one thing but right now I am in a battle.
When you are in the battlefield there is no past and no future. Only now. Right now.
Right now there are decisions to be made.
Which road do I pick? What kind of person will I be if I take on this journey? Am I even ready for it? I don't want to die in vain.
Everyone is in a frenzy to achieve something.
Can I get a moment please?
And can you make it last forever?
I am wounded and I cannot fight.
Forgive me for being a coward but I am not ready to die and I am not ready to heal.
Let me bleed this time.
Let it be forever.